Professional Soft Skills Training Courses in Dubai

Professional Soft Skills Training Courses in Dubai

Our Soft Skills Instructor

Zai Miztiq

Determined to not let her circumstances dictate her life when Zai was met with a serious accident that almost rendered her paralyze in 2005, she refused to allow that to just be it. Despite the doctors saying that she only had a 5% chance of walking ever again as her spine was fractured and dislocated, during her recovery – her perseverance and determination forces her to step up and learn to walk again.

Zai stands today to share her story today, empowering others on how she managed to overcome her fears and doubts and the framework she used to turn any obstacles or pain into power.

On 22nd April 2005, Zai was given little hope by the surgeons that operated on her after a sleepy taxi driver rammed the cab, she was returning home into the back of a stationary military truck. The accident could have cost her life and dangerously risked her being paralyzed for life. She miraculously survived 3 weeks later but not without living for the rest of her life with 8 screws, 2 metal rods inside her, and permanent back pain. She recorded her comeback journey in a semi-autobiography-styled book titled ‘Turn Your Passion into Profit’ and empowered women and girls all over the world with her Amazon Best-selling book ‘5 Things I Love About Being A Woman’.

Reflecting on how far she has come, Zai explained, “I feel like I have been given a second chance in life. And now that the world brings an entirely new meaning, I am dedicating myself to inspiring others. I help people turn their pain into power and turn their dreams into reality with confidence and clarity.”

Keynotes & Training Programmes in Dubai

Turn your Pain into Power

Moving from victim to victor

Turn your Passion into Profit

Doing business in the digital age

Digital Resiliency

Cyber wellness: Online safety and responsibility

Authentic Public Speaking

Commanding presence on-stage and in video

Advancing Women in Leadership


Brave Leadership

Be a Warrior, not a worrier

Effective Communication

Breaking barriers on differences especially in the workplace.

Sexual Harassment & Bullying

Beware and be aware

Awaken Parents

Resilient confident parents raise confident compassionate kids

Sanity at Work

The 5 Dimensions of Resilience

Diversity & Inclusion

Bridging Unity in Diversity in the 21st Century

Lead with Strength

Turning potential into performance

Sanity for Caregivers

Improve the quality of life for caregivers and under their care

Professional Etiquette, Grooming & Customer Service

Verbal and non-verbal communication and behavioural skills for the service industry

Coaching Programmes in Dubai

Executive Coaching

Harnessed talents create success.

Life Chart Mapping

Planning life strategically.

Sisterhood Mentorship Program

Holistic coaching for ladies.

Business Coaching

Turn your Passion into Profit, Mission to Millions

Intensive Henna Art Course

Basic and advanced hands-on coaching

Be an Author, Be in Authority

Turning that book idea into reality.

Conversational Business Arabic

Fun, fast and easy way to master the basics.

Team Wellness

Team Bonding Activities

Team Bonding Activities

Henna Art Therapy

Expressive art therapy

Transformational Women’s Retreat

Cultivate wholesome well-being

Youth Empowerment Bootcamp

Aspiring youths to be Nurturing Passionate Learners & Confident Compassionate Leaders

Grab your seats for our professional soft skill courses in Dubai


Frequently Asked Questions

Soft skills are personal attributes or traits that facilitate effective and harmonious interactions with others. These non-technical abilities are vital for succeeding in today’s workforce and complement specific job-related hard skills. Soft skills cover a wide range of competencies, including communication, teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, adaptability, and emotional intelligence. They’re essential for building relationships, navigating complex social situations, resolving conflicts, and collaborating effectively in a team. Employers highly value soft skills as they’re recognized as indicators of professional potential.

Soft skills training focuses on developing communication, teamwork, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, a positive attitude, and initiative, instead of technical ability. Developing soft skills in the workplace is crucial, as it is just as important as hard skills. Unlike hard skills, soft skills are related to personality and behavior, making them more challenging to teach. Measuring the effectiveness of soft skills training is generally less quantitative, and an effective development plan are essential for success.

Soft skills training offers numerous benefits in the workplace. Firstly, developing skills such as communication and teamwork can lead to stronger workplace relationships and higher levels of team productivity. Secondly, empathetic leadership is crucial at every level, and leaders with emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills are more likely to get the best out of their employees. Thirdly, investing in employee soft skills training can result in happier employees and better staff retention. Fourthly, soft skills training can improve customer service and client satisfaction as employees learn to communicate effectively, listen attentively, and empathize with customers. Lastly, soft skills training can enhance problem-solving skills by teaching employees to approach problems in new ways and implement alternative solutions. Overall, investing in soft skills training can lead to a more productive and harmonious workplace, as well as satisfied customers and employees.

To enhance your soft skills, it is important to be self-aware and practice regularly while also seeking feedback. Follow these steps:

  • Identify areas for improvement by reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses, and getting feedback from others.
  • Practice active listening, empathy, and clear communication in all your interactions.
  • Read books or follow experts in emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills.
  • Seek mentorship or coaching to help guide your personal and professional development.
  • Consistently seek input from others and remain receptive to constructive feedback
  • Engage in self-reflection and regularly assess your progress.

By regularly improving your soft skills, you can gain confidence and effectiveness in your personal and professional life.

Leadership is a crucial soft skill in the workplace and involves much more than simply delegating tasks. It requires a combination of emotional intelligence, effective communication, and problem-solving skills, all of which are critical for creating a positive work environment and driving success. Great leaders understand the importance of building relationships with their team and stakeholders, which involves empathy, active listening, and clear communication. While hard skills may be necessary for a leadership role, it is the mastery of soft skills that distinguishes great leaders and enables them to effectively guide their team towards achieving their goals. Developing and refining leadership skills can lead to improved team performance, increased job satisfaction, and overall success in the workplace.

Improving one’s soft skills is achievable through various means. One way is by taking courses that enhance soft skills and offer qualifications. Soft skills can also be fostered in the workplace through mentoring, teamwork encouragement, and providing growth opportunities. All of these strategies can be effective in developing and refining soft skills.


DGR Aviation offers top-notch soft skills training in Dubai, which can significantly benefit businesses seeking to enhance their workforce. By equipping employees with the necessary skills to communicate effectively, work collaboratively, and solve problems efficiently, businesses can boost productivity, job satisfaction, and customer service. Professional soft skills training is a continuous process, and employees can continue to refine and enhance their soft skills throughout their careers. Partnering with DGR Aviation for soft skills training can help businesses see a remarkable difference in their employees’ overall performance, which can lead to significant positive impacts on the company’s success.